For all the hype you can find on line and all the courses that teach you about communication – sometimes it can be too much.
Too long in getting to the point.
Too much information.
Too aggressive.
Too random.
Too often.
It can be overwhelming, especially in addition to the thousands of random messages we do not actually sign up to receive.
One of Shakespeare’s characters utters the comment so critical to our own world today.
“Methinks the world is too much with me”, In our hyper, multi connected world – perhaps it is more correctly, “Methinks I am too much with the world.”
It’s risky to unplug, isn’t it? You might miss something. Your momentous post might be missed.
These past weeks spammers have been the too much I have experienced. They did all of the list that began this post, in a variety of languages. It robbed me of a lot of energy and enthusiasm to deal with them. It was more than annoying, it was sufficiently tiresome and time consuming to filter their comments and deal with them. Many were repeat offenders. I followed links a few times just out of fascination at the structure, length and origin of their messages.
It was enough to turn me off of adding to my own blog. They diverted energy from my passion and perhaps, potential profit.
I have a lead on some software that will save me time and distraction of dealing with uber spam. It will bring me back to effective communication in the world – I just really can’t get enough of!
The software solution will be shared with you.
Your GPS guide to good business communication and personal presence online will continue so that you don’t make that list of mistakes above. I’ll be here again soon with the best practice communication tips you need.
Just let me take out the trash and make room for the good stuff.