Summer Solstice of June 21, 2010 and Vancouver, Canada is grateful for all the moments of sun that came out. Full expression of energy and light didn’t happen till the afternoon, but then we had more space on the clock today to let it come out and shine in it’s own time.
Our sentences, however, must come out faster. Text needs to be tighter. Symbols have taken the place of many words to help our messages shine brighter and sharper on smaller screens in less text entry times.
Words are simpler. Shorter.
Words and sentences are best kept simple these days to connect with more and more English speakers. Each might speak his or her own regionally flavoured phrases in a version of English they use with each other and other global citizens in their written and verbal conversations.
Simpler means less chance for misunderstanding.
Words have gone the way of relationships.
Best to being simply. You can always complicate them later.
I’m going to take the extra today to launch into reading Globish by Robert McCrum to explore the history of English and how it came to be the world’s language.
What’s your world word experience?
*** Helena works with words to reduce the complications and find the beauty in the simplicity of sentences, tag lines and words both single and married so that they relate well to their environment and adjust to increasing expectations*** Invite her on LinkedIn Helena Kaufman