Storytelling… it started for you in childhood.
Storytelling started for all of us before we had language as we know it and depend on it today. In fact, the human capacity for storytelling began about the same time that our brains developed the ability to communicate with each other. Smart! It allowed us to connect and create tribes for safety and for growth and greater development.
Storytelling is still with us. For good reason.
Tell your story old school on the stage, or rock it in writing in social media posts, in emails to your tribe or in print in market bound materials.
Guaranteed it will boost your ability to win today’s top prize: Attention!
Storytelling fits perfectly into the marketing matrix. It helps you achieve 4 important goals in your business communications in your market:
- Get their attention
- Get them to pay attention
- Get them to believe you
- Get them to remember you (at least long enough to take action)
Sign up for updates and learn how to use its power well – every time you choose to tell your story.
Join the StoryMarket mailings and get weekly tips of the trade to help you tell well to sell with confidence and to be memorable.
Capture all the magic of storytelling as you remember it, but now all grown up in a business friendly way.
Book a StorySpotter session to discover YOUR best story with Chief Story Marketer, Helena. The 120 dollar session is 45 min of focused time exploring your smartest content and approach options to tell your story, your way. TIME LIMITED Seasonal offer: Pre-book your StorySpotter session by December 8 and snap up a private consultation at 50% off with the seasonal sale or: $60.00. Book now – put StorySpotter in the subject line of your email & include your name, company name, phone number and email to helena(at) to reserve a time