We’re all hoping for a sensational summer. Last year was a sizzler on the west coast with lots of sun so this time around we’re planning ahead to take advantage of some of that energy with these 7 hot moves:
7 strategies you can apply now to be in great shape for upcoming seasons of success
Today, we focus on what it takes to make a stellar start happen. You don’t want to return to the “same ol’ same ol” routine way of doing things do you?
Check out these fresh (re)start tips to get what you want going. You’ll attain the success you want no matter what area of study, work or business ownership you are in.
- Show up and slide those sleeves up too!
When we hear that quote about “80% of success is showing up”, it’s not often followed with the reminder that you also need to show up ready to work. Arriving rested and energetic also means being ready to do what needs to be done.
Success comes to those who really want something and go after it. You know both your effort and your time will be well spent, don’t you?
2. Believe it and see it, in yourself
Set your mind on your goal and then check the setting on your mind set. Keep the faith in yourself, your product, your service and your course of studies, otherwise how do you expect others to have faith in you. It’s not enough to simply believe in some law of magical manifestation, you must keep confidence in yourself that you will do that above tip and get what you need to done!
3. Box? What box do you want to be in?
Do more than think out of this mythical box everyone talks about. You really only have two choices: FIT IN or STAND OUT. Sorry for shouting at you. You choose according to the situation. But, be ready to stand out from the crowd. How?
Have good ideas. Be creative. It is one of the most valuable assets you bring to your career, business or studies. You’ll get it. If you get stuck, write in your biggest challenges and we’ll do a column just for you. Seriously.
4. Get It Done
Once you get the hang of it, the ideas will flow. THEN you have to implement the ones that work. Go for it and finish it too.
5. Be identifiable
Be clear about who you are. If you are a business you need to build your brand to stand out from the competition. It’s good for people to understand who they are dealing with, almost instantly. In your work, study or community space – be the person who is reliable, responsible, on time, trustworthy and representing the team’s (or clients’) interests.
6. Get organized
I struggle with this. As a coach, instructor, creative person and writer, I have gazillions of ideas. I need them! So, I have to pay attention to how I store them and then how I will retrieve then, whenever I need them in the process of a project. Let me tell you, that getting that down early, and reviewing your systems is a time AND self esteem saver.
Clean and beautify your workplace for maximum productivity. Be clutter free. Find more on this in upcoming columns.
7. Get help if and when you need it
Your help can range from organizational system support to advice.
We are all expected to do so much these days, to be aware and to be fully operational as strategists and our own secretaries too. No one can be expert in all areas all the time. Get the appropriate help, whether it’s advice or an assistant.
VIP : Your very important prompt: Personal development is in season for all of us, pretty much year round. Your best course of action is to pick what you can immediately pack into your summer reset time. Start where you can score some rewards fast and slide on those results into summer with some success. Add some good work when you are chillin’ inside with your notepad (I tend to grab old school paper and writing tools!) mix in a bit of determination on your part, and we’ll all see you advance.
Got a question! Raise your hand and let it be known in the comment box below.
Stay tuned – more conversations that connect, sell, influence, inform and persuade will continue to help you shine throughout our sunny days.