“I’m dancing as fast as I can,” is a well-worn phrase. It’s easily claimed by people overloaded at work and scampering madly to keep up with all the tasks heaped onto the ‘dance’ card of their desks.
It’s a bold statement, too. It reflects a person’s emotional state too, as they high step it through life’s daily emotional dances.
The phrase was most powerfully claimed by Barbara Gordon in the book she penned and the subsequent movie made from it: I’m Dancing As Fast As I Can where she is portrayed by Jill Clayburgh. The perfect life is soon revealed as frayed and flawed.
There are times where I’m called to some fancy footwork in my day, or my life. Happy to report that today was fulfilling without frenzy. Spent most of it out in public but in ‘engagement lite’ mode.
I only had to match my own rhythms and work around those of the traffic. I seem to be in traffic a lot more these days. Is this true for you, too?
Today, my main dance partner on my card was father time. Our shared musical score sheet-my To Do List. So, in keeping with my effort to post more often but in fewer words, I’m going to go for a bullet point bolero cadence review of select highlights:
- Got an astounding 7.5 hours sleep – OK in 2 shifts but I found a fast solution at 3 a.m. to get the necessary sleep credits in! SLEEP smooths any kind of dancing.
With this presence of mind, I knocked off a half dozen phone calls, each step adding a sure-footed confidence.
- Scored parking spots at all my stops from errands to meetings. Karma even led me to coffee and critical reading time in a certain air conditioned coffee emporium we ALL know and that is friendly to floating freelancers.
- Reveled in real hunger pangs. Food would come when appropriate and in a calm setting. I felt this sensation and knew I was aware and had clarity that I have CONTROL over it. They say, “timing is everything.” It certainly is in the healthy diet dance.
- Focused after 2 frenzied days looking for the library book due today. In a final and deliberate move on my part, I found it. I did what a colleague had asked me to do for her in my email on Monday. “Close your eyes Helena and tell me where to look for our border crossing express pass. We are desperate and have searched hi and low.”
- You know what? I did it. So, I put it to work on my library book “One Spirit Medicine”. Voila. Right hand deftly placed under the passenger seat. Found….I had already ransacked my office shelves and poured over the milk crates in my car trunk that awaited their drop off for donation, in case I mistakenly added the library book. [Note to self: declutter, again]
- Honestly, even throwing money at it and buying a copy for the library while they began a system-wide trace would not have calmed me. I knew 8 other people were listed, waiting for it.
- That relief energy surely drew Claire to me. The woman, whose name is taken from the French for clear or bright, was walking 2 characters – both adoptees from a rescue centre – Beagle Paws.
- I asked her how she chose which to walk on a leash and which to push in a pretty fancy shmancy kiddie stroller.
- Turns out the blind one was riding and the other one was co-piloting. Poor, sweet beaglets for the life they had before rescue.
In our chat on the sidewalk, I learned first hand about the work and the programs at Kits Neighbourhood House. Just a short waddle from me, this community centre and resource was repositioned higher up on my dance card!
Do you think it surprising that our paths crossed today?
Illumination was destined. My own name, Helena is from the Greek for bringer of light. We’ll cross light beams again, soon.
Well, I got a tango or two yet left in me to execute tonight. I better buckle up my shoe straps and get to it!
Now a little classic to tap along to and get you through rain or shine.
Smiles across the miles to you, dear reader.