It’s clear from the 1st post in this Fab 45 daily blog writing challenge, that I’ve got a lot to share. But then, so do you.
It’s the nature of the human condition to want to express ourselves. I do hope you’ll share your comments, too. Go ahead, do that in the space below.
As for me, I’m not entirely sure where my remaining 44 posts will take me and you, dear and much appreciated reader. I’m confident that the journey will yield the good stuff of life and may even entertain you.
I know it’s of value as I awoke with some terror the morning after my 1st post. A sure sign. My self imposed challenge means there are at least 45 opportunities for vulnerabilty, and the stories, yet to be revealed even to me, compound the risk.
“Which of my inner personas exactly took over,” I wonder, “and felt it necessary to make this executive decision and to commit all the rest of me to inevitable exposure?”
It rattled me. I had for the better part of 27 years in Winnipeg, gently, with integrity and care, brought so many people and their causes to the public eye.
As ‘Ace Publicist’, I always projected the value of their work or product or cause.
Always protected and prepared my clients for what might happen to their message, or the personal scrutiny ahead, once the media kits I had prepared for them were released.
Day 1 and the eve of blog #2 started right off with activity. Some new – like my first coffee date in months, engineered via an online dating site.
Some familiar – like driving back to the neighbourhood I moved away from 6 weeks ago.
Until my new building puts bins in place, I drive over just to drop off my kitchen scraps for composting. The depot opens to the community only at 10-noon on Saturdays in front of the Joe Fortes library branch. I double up on errands and other visits still based there to save car gas.
Really, once you start with the recycling and especially the composting and see the benefits, you can’t just stop. One of the seniors who commutes by bicycle at my new residence calls it garbage guilt.
The benefits are so big – less landfill load, less methane gas from improperly decomposing organic matter and a yield of extremely rich and beautiful soil.
And even this reduction ritual I participate in, fed my approach to the Fab 45. I had to cut down my content.
There’s no escaping the adventure into my own thoughts and the public sharing I’ve embarked on. I intend on serving up my ‘pre-experience’ segments as snack sized packets.
This Latin phrase I learned some time during my Hebrew day school days, means time flies. Does it seem to you that it’s flying faster, all the time?
My plan to deliver my ideas to get to the good stuff faster, reminds me of that popular social media meme that circulated last year because, on the delay: “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”