Yes, brevity is best in a message. Good advice for a first hearing or when you are given an opportunity to introduce yourself, your product or your service.
To achieve a clean, clear and easily understood yet short message takes time. You likely know from your own writing experience that it may take many drafts to create a final piece of communication.It takes practice and refinement to deliver it quickly and naturally. And, only time and testing will help reduce it to the effective and understood units of 15, 30 60 seconds of speech you need to have prepared.
Here’s some help on your way with words about your personal message:
First, trim your great big biography into an interesting, memorable statement
Make it the starting point to describe yourself and to connect with another person.
Answer these questions:
1. What do you do?
2. What is different about how you do it?
3. Who do you help?
4. What is the problem you solve or solution you provide?
Weave your answers together. Take the best bits and then write one, punchy and cohesive pitch. Stuck? ASK your fans, customers or colleagues for input. Be creative.
Can you guess what these elevator operators do?
“I help men and women look and feel fantastic.”
“I help reduce stress and soothe aching muscles.”
“I help people save thousands of dollars annually on their taxes.” – “I help people take the vacation of their dreams.”
Fast Snap Wrap-Up Tips from Helena on Your Elevator Pitch
- Write a 20 word elevator speech, cut it down to 10 words when you can
- Practice it 20 times (or more) each working day this week
- Create curiosity, think provocative and attention grabbing description
- Say what you can do for others; see your customer’s perspective
- Record it – hear how it sounds – delivered out loud, not just written
- Edit what needs changing or cutting
- Do it again and again till it is natural and TAKE it out ON THE ROAD to test it.
For a refresher on why you need to be prepared see part 1 of How to Present Yourself in 20 Words, Or Less
Good luck, good crafting.