I’m back.
I was out.
While out, I played. Got lost. Rewrote my plan. Tore it up. Then I alighted at an out of town seminar I’d been waiting four months to attend.
In preparation for meeting other penguins after I hopped off my personal and private ice floe at the conference, I determined that I would not come back self identifying, primarily, as a writer.
At just shy of 30 years of earning a living and creating magic as a business writer and columnist, never mind the getting of great tickets to hot events and super seating, as well as being front and centre for product launches, service introductions, event news and being a part of bringing profiles of wonderful people with businesses great and small to the right public – I longed to answer something else, reflexively, to the question almost all North Americans pose: “What do you do?”
I am still a writer.
I will always be a writer at heart and at the keyboard, but my communication passions and skills are undergoing transformation.
Yet, today I took advantage of the writer’s date. This kind of self care does not involve manicures, or excessive shopping. It is a time consecrated especially to allow any kind of artist to spend time alone, enjoying, refreshing, observing, thinking in a joyous, celebratory and pleasant context. In a word: recreating.
The difference in this date is that since the Olympics in Vancouver last year, I’ve kept company more and more with my own pocket camera. Since Dec 2010, I’ve seen the return of a cellphone with cam capability. This now allows me to stray farther from my desk for longer with less guilt, and to return with more ideas and images in hand.
Mobility has always been important to me. Who knew how many definitions it would encompass in 2011?
What have you been doing since you last visited this spot?
Please, tell. Send pictures even.. and I’ll learn how to post and perhaps edit them to best advantage.
Go ahead, feel free.
Feel communicative.