The radio news just told me that the country I live in ranks as the 6th most obese in the world. Yet, my current location here on the West Coast puts me squarely in the heart of a city that is statistically the least obese and most fit in the same country – Canada.
Which description has the power to inspire me to join its statistical camp? Will I do the work? Buy the product? Join the group? Give up or take up the activity to become one of the slimmer stats or shall I do all the same by selecting the actions that justify my slouch back onto the couch to join the majority potatoes in the battle fields of fatness vs. fitness.
Add a dash of stats to spice up titles, opening statements and copy. It makes it:
More credible
Fun to repeat
What numbers figure in the support of your communication goal? What kind of rank or percentage or demographic or advantage can you include, authentically in your next message?
I’ll be counting on you to multiply your message advantage, as it’s statistically proven to boost your communication success by 37% ….or more.
(Afterthought: This little post should be dedicated, ironically, to a man, who while obsessed with the fit vs. fat equation, helped me integrate into Canadian working culture, as a young adult. Because just as dieting is not enough to be fit for action, neither is simply knowing the actual language of an environment.)